囊唇蝴蝶兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Phalaenopsis gibbosa  分类来源:中国植物志

囊唇蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis gibbosa

Distribution:Vietnam,L aos.New record to China 

China : Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, Jinghong. Attached to trunk, usually in middle or base of trunk, in monsoon forest, in Rocky Mountains,. 1250 m. February 23, 2007.


Epiphytic plant with many fleshy roots ,long ,flexuous ,covered with small wart—like outgrowths.Stem short,enclosed by distichous imbricating leaf base.


Leaves 2 — 4 ,slightly fleshy ,elliptic or obovate—elliptic,acute ,7— 12cm long ,4 ——4.5 cm ,with the apex obliquely acute—obtuse ,base cuneate ,amplexicaul~sheathing.


Inflorescence arising from the base of the stem ,10—1 5 cm long ,rather slender ,erect or arcuate ,simpie or ramified ,cylindrical with flattened rachis ,in zigzag ,laxly with 5 -10flowers ;bracts alternate,distichous ,ovate—lanceolate ,acuminate ,3 — 4 mm long:pedicel and ovary 1.5 — 1.6 cm long.long ,3— 4 mm wide ,apex obtuse;lateral sepals obliquely ovate or ovate—elliptic,about 6.5 mm long ,4.5 mm wide ,apex sub-acute,laterally adnate to the column~foot;petals spatulate or narrowly obovate,5 — 6 mm long,2 — 3 mm wide,apex rounded;lip very fleshy,3 一 lobed,white ,with 2 orange and brownish —tinged conical calli on the disc and central part of the mid—lobe ,as long as the sepals;lateral lobes erect,Iinear,faleate,acuminate,2 — 3 mm long ;mid—lobe movable,broadly triangular,fleshy,concave ,apex rounded ,5 — 6 mm long,6 — 8 mm wide,from a sub—quadrate base,apex acute;disc with a denticulate free callus which is excavated underneath forming a distinct gibbosity,and for—king into four free filiforms about 2 mm long at base.Column 4.5 mm long,winged,base with a foot 1—2mm long ,white with1 or 2 crescent or semi—orbicular brown blotches on ventral base.

Pollinia 4 in two unequal pairs。Flowering in the early Spring.






