囊唇蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis gibbosa
Distribution:Vietnam,L aos.New record to China China : Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, Jinghong. Attached to trunk, usually in middle or base of trunk, in monsoon forest, in Rocky Mountains,. 1250 m. February 23, 2007. | | |
Epiphytic plant with many fleshy roots ,long ,flexuous ,covered with small wart—like outgrowths.Stem short,enclosed by distichous imbricating leaf base. | ||
Leaves 2 — 4 ,slightly fleshy ,elliptic or obovate—elliptic,acute ,7— 12cm long ,4 ——4.5 cm ,with the apex obliquely acute—obtuse ,base cuneate ,amplexicaul~sheathing. | ||
Inflorescence arising from the base of the stem ,10—1 5 cm long ,rather slender ,erect or arcuate ,simpie or ramified ,cylindrical with flattened rachis ,in zigzag ,laxly with 5 -10flowers ;bracts alternate,distichous ,ovate—lanceolate ,acuminate ,3 — 4 mm long:pedicel and ovary 1.5 — 1.6 cm long.long ,3— 4 mm wide ,apex obtuse;lateral sepals obliquely ovate or ovate—elliptic,about 6.5 mm long ,4.5 mm wide ,apex sub-acute,laterally adnate to the column~foot;petals spatulate or narrowly obovate,5 — 6 mm long,2 — 3 mm wide,apex rounded;lip very fleshy,3 一 lobed,white ,with 2 orange and brownish —tinged conical calli on the disc and central part of the mid—lobe ,as long as the sepals;lateral lobes erect,Iinear,faleate,acuminate,2 — 3 mm long ;mid—lobe movable,broadly triangular,fleshy,concave ,apex rounded ,5 — 6 mm long,6 — 8 mm wide,from a sub—quadrate base,apex acute;disc with a denticulate free callus which is excavated underneath forming a distinct gibbosity,and for—king into four free filiforms about 2 mm long at base.Column 4.5 mm long,winged,base with a foot 1—2mm long ,white with1 or 2 crescent or semi—orbicular brown blotches on ventral base. Pollinia 4 in two unequal pairs。Flowering in the early Spring. | ||