密花兰属  转到中国兰科植物志

Diglyphosa Blume Bijdr. 336. 1825.

密花兰属 mi hua lan shu

Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen, Jeffrey J. Wood & Stephan W. Gale

Diglyphis Blume.

Herbs, terrestrial. Rhizome creeping, with long, fibrous roots. Pseudobulb persistent, narrowly conic or cylindric, with either a solitary terminal leaf at apex or an inflorescence at base. Leaf solitary, large, plicate, papery, contracted into a long petiole-like stalk at base. Inflorescence arising from base of pseudobulb, erect, terminal, racemose, occasionally branching in larger plants, glabrous, with several scattered tubular sheaths; rachis densely many flowered; floral bracts reflexed, narrow. Flowers medium-sized, resupinate. Sepals usually spreading; dorsal sepal longer than lateral sepals; lateral sepals adnate to column foot and forming a mentum. Petals similar to but slightly wider than lateral sepals; lip slightly fleshy, hinged to apex of column foot, entire to 3-lobed, reflexed above middle, margin suberect below middle, without a spur; disk with 2 fleshy, converging lamellae or keels. Column erect, arcuate, slender, winged, with a simple column foot at base; anther terminal; anther cap cordate, apex conic-convex, 2-locular; rostellum short and broad, not lobed; pollinia 2, waxy, nearly triangular, without caudicles.

Two species: tropical parts of NE India and Vietnam, through SE Asia to New Guinea; one species in China.


