盖喉兰属  转到中国兰科植物志

Smitinandia Holttum Gard. Bull. Singapore. 25: 105. 1969.

盖喉兰属 gai hou lan shu

Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen & Jeffrey J. Wood

Herbs, epiphytic, monopodial, medium-sized. Stems elongate, with many nodes, often rooting at nodes. Leaves distichous, usually well spaced; leaf blade flat, rather narrow, slightly fleshy, with sheathing base, jointed to sheath. Inflorescences lateral, piercing sheath, racemose, many flowered. Flowers small, somewhat fleshy. Sepals conspicuously larger than petals. Lip attached to base of column, immovable, with a distinct spur without inner appendages, but its entrance ± closed by a high fleshy transverse appendage at base of mid-lobe. Column cylindric, short, base slightly dilated, without a foot; rostellum short; pollinia waxy, 4, each completely divided into 2 unequal pairs, flat, subglobose; viscidium ovate; stipe short, widening toward apex.

About three species: India, Bhutan, Myanmar, SE Asia east to Borneo and Sulawesi; one species in China.


