拟锚柱兰属 ni mao zhu lan shu
Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb
Herbs, terrestrial, small, holomycotrophic. Rhizome moniliform, tuberous, fleshy, neck sometimes with a few filiform roots; roots white. Stem erect, slender, with a few scalelike sheaths, leafless, glabrous. Inflorescence erect, terminal, racemose, 2- to several flowered; floral bracts triangular, very small. Flowers spreading, resupinate, opening in succession, white or pale yellowish brown, small. Sepals and petals similar, elliptic-ovate; dorsal sepal and petals united at very base; lateral sepals united for up to 1/3 of their length and with base of column foot; lip broadly cuneate, fleshy, adnate with column foot and articulate at joint, lateral corners obtuse and incurved, not spurred, apex truncate and weakly emarginate; disk with irregular papillose calli at base and at apex. Column stout, with a distinct column foot, dilated at apex and with 2 wings, wings attenuate into decurved stelidia on either side of stigma; column foot elongate, with rows of tiny red blotches; anther terminal; rostellum erect, transverse, small; stigma broad, placed directly below rostellum.
One species: China, Thailand, Vietnam.