笋兰属  转到中国兰科植物志

Thunia H. G. Reichenbach Bot. Zeitung (Berlin). 10: 764. 1852.

笋兰属 sun lan shu

Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen & Jeffrey J. Wood

Herbs, terrestrial or epiphytic, usually rather large and tall, lacking pseudobulbs. Rhizome short, thick. Stems fasciculate, erect, biennial, simple, sheathed below and leafy above. Leaves distichous, sessile below, often thinly textured. Inflorescence terminal, borne on young leafy shoots, racemose, arching or pendulous, several flowered; floral bracts persistent, spathelike, large. Flowers short-lived, large, showy. Sepals and petals subsimilar, free. Petals often slightly narrower and smaller than sepals; lip entire, embracing column, spurred, fringed on front margin; disk with 5-7 lamellae or fringes; spur short, obtuse. Column slender, subterete at apex, 2-winged, footless; rostellum ± 3-lobed; stigma concave; anther cap terminal, incumbent; pollinia 4, 2-lobed, without a conspicuous caudicle, commonly attached to sticky substance.

About six species: SE Asia and Bhutan, China, India, and Nepal; one species in China.


