Calanthe davidii Franch. in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 10: 85. 1888; Rolfe in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 25, 462. 1903; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 234. 1919; S. Y. Hu in Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 25 (3. 4): 201. 1972;中国高等植物图鉴5: 725.图8279. 1976;台湾兰科植物彩色图志1: 178. 1996;中国兰花全书133.图6-7 (9, 10). 1998. ——Calanthe ensifolia Rolfe in Kew Bull. 197. 1896; Kraenzl. in Bot. Jahrb. 29: 270. 1900; Rolfe in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 25. 1903: Schltr., l. c. p. 235, et in Acta Hort. Gothob. 1: 154. 1924; Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sinic. 7: 1357. 1936; S. Y. Hu, l. c.; 秦岭植物志1 (1): 427. 1976. ——Calanthe matsudai Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 9: 112. fig. 38, 39. 1920; 台湾兰科植物1: 90-91 (图). 1975; 台湾植物志5: 913. 1978.
Forests, shaded places along valleys; 500-3300 m. S Gansu, Guizhou, Hubei, NW Hunan, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang, SE and W Yunnan [N India, Japan, Nepal, Vietnam]. | ||
lants usually clustered, 32-70 cm tall, without distinct rhizome. Pseudobulbs often enclosed in leaf sheaths. Leaves 3 or 4, well developed and spreading at anthesis, not deciduous; blade ensiform or lorate, 18-65 × 0.8-2(-5) cm, glabrous, with 3 main veins, apex acute; petiole-like base inconspicuous or sometimes forming a pseudostem 4-10 cm. | ||
花期:6-7月。 Scape arising from leaf axil, erect, 30-120 cm, stout, densely puberulent; rachis 8-20(-30) cm, subdensely many flowered; floral bracts persistent, reflexed, narrowly lanceolate, 10-15 mm, abaxially puberulent. Flowers yellowish green or white, sometimes tinged purple. Sepals similar, reflexed, subelliptic, 6-9 × ca. 4 mm, abaxially nearly glabrous or densely puberulent, 5-veined, apex acute or obtuse. Petals reflexed, narrowly oblong-oblanceolate, 6-9 × 1.8-2.2 mm, glabrous, 3-veined, base clawed, apex obtuse or acute; lip adnate to entire length of column wings, broadly triangular, 6-9 × 4-9 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes oblong, falcate-oblong, or ovate-triangular, ca. 9 mm across their apices, apex obliquely truncate and obtuse; mid-lobe divided by a deep sinus into 2 lobules; lobules divergent, suboblong, narrower than lateral lobes; disk with 3 clusters of wartlike calli extending almost to sinus of mid-lobe; spur curved, cylindric, 5-12 mm, outside sparsely puberulent, inside densely puberulent. Column ca. 3 mm, thick, dilated toward apex, nearly glabrous or sparsely puberulent; rostellum 2-lobed; lobes ca. 1 mm; pollinia nearly pear-shaped or obovoid, equal in size, ca. 1 mm, with short caudicles; viscidium small. | ||
Capsule ovoid, ca. 13 × 7 mm. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Sep-Oct. 2n = 40, 44. |