广坝石斛  转到中国兰科植物志

Dendrobium lagarum  分类来源:中国植物志

广坝石斛 Dendrobium lagarum 

 Fl. Feb.-Mar.

Distribution: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos [3] . New record to China.


Fpiphytic plants. Stem; tightly clustered, alternated to biseriate, erect, unbranched, cylindric, 30-60 cm, slender, ca. 3 nm in diam., 4 or 5 intemodes above the middle of the thin! node dilated and cylindrical; dilated portion  of stem; ca. 8 cm, ca. 5 nm in diam., fleshy, with 7 - 8 nbs, with pale white rrembranous sheaths before leaf abscission, reddish brown and glossy when okl.


 Leaves 5-7 alternate on upper part of stem, suberect, terete, 3 - 5 cm x 0.2 -  03  cm,   base  with   leathery sheaths, apex acute.


 Inflorescence axillary on leafless okler stem; or apex of newly stem;, 1 - 5 flowered arising from the upper nodes of stem;, leafless portion of the stem; floral bracts ovate, ca. 1.5 nm. Pedicel and ovary ca. 1 cm, slender. Flowers very smtll, odorless, thin, tepals white and sometimes with light pink tint, disk yellow. Dorsal sepal sublanceolate, ca. 9.5 nm x 2.8 nrn, 5-veined, obtuse. Lateral sepals subtriangular, nuch larger than dorsal sepal, base very oblique, apex slightly acute. Mentum   rigid,   ca.  8  mm, acute. Petals subovate­ triangular, ca. 8.0 nm x 2.0 nrn, 3-veined, acute. lip cuneate at base, 3-lobed above middle; lateral lobes obliquely subtriangular, front nmgin serrate and undulate, apex obtuse; mid-lobe nearly transversely oblong with 3 central plicate ridges projections, nmgin serrate, apex nuticous.  Disk  sparsely  villous. Colum ca. 2.5 mm  Anther  cap  conic. Capsule  fusifom ca.3 cmx0.6 cm 





