狮子石斛Dendrobium leonis
Origin : Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Sumatra. | | |
Plant size 5-8cm. Stem sub-woody, erect, slightly flattened triangular ( apex of 1 stem enlarged slightly thickened and obliquely oblong ), together with leaf sheaths ca. 7 mm thick, base constricted, with multiple nodes, internodes ca. 5-7 mm long, completely covered by leaf sheaths. | ||
Leaves 2 columns, obliquely erect, thickly leathery or fleshy, closely sheathed, both sides compressed into a dagger-like shape, ca. 1.2-1.5 cm long, ca. 6-8 mm wide, apex obtuse or slightly acute, base with sheath holding stem, connected with leaf sheath with 1 joint. | ||
Inflorescence terminal, often with 1 flower ; flowers pale grass green, flower diameter about 1.3 cm ; pedicel and ovary ca. 5 mm ; middle sepals semiovate, ca. 5 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide, apex obtuse or short-protruding ; petals subelliptic, ca. 5 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide, apex obtuse or slightly acute ; the lateral sepals are obliquely ovate triangular, the edge near the side of the stamen column is about 1.1-1.2 cm long, the middle part near the apex is about 5 mm wide, the apex is sharp, the base is skewed and the back surface has a few purple stripes, and the calyx sac is about 8 mm long. The labial lobe is attached to the end of the foot of the column, with a few purple on the back, nearly spoon-shaped, about 1 cm long and 5 mm wide. There are orange plaques at the base, and a yellow-brown plaque near the top. The edge of the apex is wrinkled, and the length of the column is about 1 mm. Peduncle pale grass green, base with orange patches.
Flowering : June. | ||