独角石斛 Dendrobium unicum
Epiphytic plants.
Origin : Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.
Altitude : born in the forest tree ; altitude 600-800m.
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Stem : stem cylindrical, with several sections, wrapped by leaf sheath, not branched.
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Leaves : Leaves are two-row alternate, nearly leathery, several, long lanceolate, about 6-7cm long, about 1.2-1.6cm wide, apex acute, base with stem sheath.
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Flowers : racemes 2-3, from upper part of old stem with fallen leaves, usually with 2-3 flowers, orange yellow, flowers spreading, ca. 4 cm in diameter ; pedicels together with ovary ca. 1.5-2 cm long, middle sepal lanceolate, apex acute, ca. 2.1 cm long, ca. 0.4 mm wide ; petals lanceolate, base constricted, abaxial surface with a straight line, front main vein projections, length about 2.1 cm, width about 0.6 mm, apex acute ; lateral sepals lanceolate, ca. 2.2 cm long, ca. 0.4 mm wide, apex acute ; calyx sac is round, about 3.5-4mm long ; lip long oval, uncracked, 2.1-2.5 cm long, back smooth, a vein sag, front a ridge from the base to the tip, both sides of the ridge covered with purple brown forked vein ; stamen column yellow white base medicine cap white ; peduncle orange-yellow, with a rose-red dot near base, with a rose-red line below.
Flowering : April - August.
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