匍茎毛兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Eria clausa  分类来源:中国植物志


Eria clausa King et Pantl. in J. Al. Soc. 65: 121. pl. 2. 1896, et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 8: 121. pl. 167. 1898; 中国高等植物图鉴 5: 711. 图8252. 1976; 西藏植物志5: 803. 图438. 1987; Seidenf. in Opera Bot. 114: 169. 1992.

Epiphytic on tree trunks or lithophytic on rocks in broad-leaved forests; 1000-1700 m. W Guangxi, SE Xizang, S and SE Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Myanmar, Vietnam].


Rhizome creeping, slender. Pseudobulbs borne (1-)3-6 cm apart on rhizome, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 1.5-3 × 0.6-1 cm, apex 1-3-leaved.



Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 5-15 × 1.5-3 cm, with grayish white papillae on both surfaces when dry, with 5 or 6 main veins, acuminate or long acuminate; petiole 1-3 cm. 




Inflorescence 1, rarely 2, subterminal, 8-10 cm, shorter than leaves, sparsely 2-6-flowered; peduncle 2-2.5 cm, with 2 membranous basal sheaths; floral bracts ovate to triangular, 1-4 mm. Flowers yellowish green or pale green; pedicel and ovary 5-7 mm. Dorsal sepal oblong, 8-10 × 2-3 mm, obtuse; lateral sepals falcate-lanceolate, 7-10 × 3-3.5 mm, obtuse; mentum ca. 4 mm. Petals fusiform-oblong, 6-10 × 2-2.5 mm, obtuse; lip obovate in outline, ca. 7 × 5-7 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes ± obliquely oblong; mid-lobe broadly ovate, ca. 3 × 2-2.5 mm, obtuse; disk with 3 high median lamellae extending from base to apex of mid-lobe, undulate-curved distally, with additional shorter, sinuous outer lamellae mostly restricted to mid-lobe. Column ca. 4 mm (with anther cap), foot ca. 3 mm.







Capsule ellipsoid, 1-1.5 cm × 6-8 mm; fruiting pedicel ca. 2 mm. Fl. Mar, fr. Apr-May.

