Oberonia gigantea Fukuyama Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 49: 295. 1935.
橙黄鸢尾兰 cheng huang yuan wei lan
Stem usually pendulous, short. Leaves subbasal, 5-8, distichous, laterally compressed, ensiform, 5-20 × 0.8-1.5 cm, fleshy, base articulate, apex acuminate. Peduncle subterete, 15-20 cm, wingless, lower part with many sterile bracts; rachis relatively long, ca. 8 mm in diam., densely many flowered; floral bracts triangular-linear, ca. 2.5 mm, margin nearly entire, apex acuminate. Flowers greenish or orange, 2-3 mm in diam.; pedicel and ovary nearly as long as floral bracts. Dorsal sepal elliptic, 1-1.5 × 0.5-1 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals broadly ovate, 1-1.5 × ca. 1 mm. Petals oblanceolate, 1-1.3 × 0.5-0.8 mm; lip 1.5-2 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erose at margin; mid-lobe subelliptic or square, 1-1.4 mm, bilobed; apical lobules 5-7 mm. Column very short. Fl. Nov-Dec.
● Epiphytic on tree branches or trunks in broad-leaved forests; ca. 800 m. C and N Taiwan.