方茎石仙桃 Pholidota recurva Lindley
Origin : Southern Yunnan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam are also distributed.
Altitude : Born in a mountain monsoon forest at an altitude of 1300-1600 m. | | |
Stem : Epiphytic plant. Pseudobulbs are connected to each other by short rhizomes, sometimes giving off a few roots. With quadrangular, both ends slightly narrow, slightly ' S ' -shaped curved, fleshy, ca. 4.6-10.5 cm, 5-8 mm, branched. | ||
Leaves : 2 leaves, born at the top of the new pseudobulb, obovate oval, oblong or narrow oval, about 8.1-12.3 cm long, about 1.7-2.3 cm wide, apex near sharp or blunt, with several veins, old leaves with petiole, about 1.2 cm long. | ||
Flowers : scape from the top of the pseudobulb two leaf center ; racemes with several redundant flowers ; inflorescence axis more or less sinuous ; the bracts are nearly oval, nearly two-rowed, persistent, imbricate arrangement, about 1.4-1.6 cm long, about 1 cm wide ; pedicel and ovary ca. 6-8 mm ; flowers usually pale greenish white or white, densely arranged in 2 columns ; the middle sepal is oval, sunken into a boat shape, about 7-8mm long, about 4mm wide, blunt tip, with a keel-like protrusion on the back ; petals subobovate, ca. 7-8 mm long, ca. 4 mm wide, apex rounded ; lateral sepals subovate, navicular, about 9 mm long, about 4 mm wide, apex obtuse ; lip contour is a wide oblong, about 1 / 3-1 / 4 in the upper part of the constriction formed before and after the lip ; posterior lip sunken into a boat, slightly wider than the front lip, near the base there are 5 orange longitudinal folds ; anterior lip subtransversely elliptic, base with 1 pale yellow patch, apex nearly 2 lobes ; pistils stout, 2.5-3 mm long, apex with wings about 1 mm wide on both sides around the bed ; the beak is very large, wide ovate to round, with a short pointed head at the beginning.
Flowering : August - September. | ||
Fruit : |