Pholidota imbricata Hook., Exot. Fl. 2: t. 138. 1825; Schltr. in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 4: 188. 1919, pro parte; Seidenf. in Opera Bot. 89: 98. fig. 56. 1986, et 114; 122. 1992;西藏植物志5: 863.图478. 1987; E. F. de Vogel in Orch. Monogr. 3: 58. fig. 26. pl. 6 (a). 1988;横断山区维管植物2: 2578. 1994, pro parte. ——Cymbidium imbricatum Roxb., Hort. Beng. 63. 1814, nom. nud., et Fl. Ind. ed. 2, 3: 460. 1832. ——Coelogyne imbricata (Hook.) Rchb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6: 238. 1861. ——Ornithidium imbricatum Wall. ex Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 846. 1890. ——Pholidota henryi Kraenzl. in Viertelj ahres. Nat. Ges. Zurich 60: 427. 1915. ——Pholidota imbricata Hook. var. henryi (Kraenzl.) T. Tang et F. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. 1 (1): 79. 1951.
Epiphytic on trees or lithophytic on rocks in forests; 800-2700 m. SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, S and W Yunnan [Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Australia, SW Pacific islands]. | ||
Rhizome creeping, rather robust, 5-7 mm in diam., with many nodes, densely covered with scaly sheaths, with many roots. Pseudobulbs contiguous, suboblong, (2.5-)4-8 × 1-1.5 cm, obscurely obtusely 4-ridged, apex 1-leaved. | ||
Leaf blade oblong-oblanceolate, oblong, or nearly broadly oblanceolate, 7-25(-35) × 2-8.5 cm, thinly leathery, base cuneate, apex shortly acuminate or acute; petiole 1.5-5 cm. | ||
Inflorescence arising from young pseudobulbs with nearly mature leaf at anthesis, usually 25-50 cm; rachis nodding, 5-30 cm, densely many flowered; floral bracts persistent, often conduplicate, broadly ovate, 4-7 × 4-8 mm, with many dense veins, ± concave. Flowers white or slightly tinged with red; pedicel and ovary 4-5 mm. Dorsal sepal orbicular or broadly elliptic, cymbiform, 3-4.5 × 3-4.5 mm, 5-veined, midvein slightly raised; lateral sepals free, ovate, cymbiform, 4-6 × 3.5-4 mm, dorsally strongly carinate. Petals sublinear-lanceolate, 3-4.5 × 1-1.5 mm, 1-veined; lip saccate, 4-6 mm, slightly 3-lobed; lateral lobes embracing column, erect, nearly broadly oblong, 2.5-3 × ca. 2 mm; mid-lobe suboblong, 3-4 mm wide, margin slightly undulate, apex emarginate; disk with 2 or 3 longitudinal lamellae or thickened veins near base. Column nearly orbicular in ventral view, 3-4 mm, thick, both sides with wings; rostellum broad. | ||
Capsule obovoid-ellipsoid, 1-1.3 cm × 6-7 mm; fruiting pedicel 2-4 mm. Fl. Jul-Sep, fr. Oct-Jan. 2n = 40. |