双裂隔距兰 Cheisostoma dupliclobum
South Yunnan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar are also distributed. New record in China.
Born in trees at an altitude of 1800 meters. | | |
Stems erect, stout, 5-20 cm long, with sheaths ca. 1.5 cm thick, with long, stout roots. | ||
Leaves leathery, flat, banded, ca. 18.5-25.7 cm long, ca. 2.5-3.5 cm wide, apex obtuse and unequal 2-lobed, base with 1 joint and stem sheath. | ||
Inflorescences from leaf axils, longer than leaves, more branches ; inflorescence stalk thick, sparse many flowers ; bracts small, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, apex acuminate ; pedicel and ovary ca. 4-7 mm ; calyx, petals reddish brown with yellowish green midrib ; the middle sepals are nearly ovate, slightly concave and navicular, about 4mm long, about 2-2.5mm wide, with blunt apex. Petals oblong, ca. 3-3.5 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide, apex obtuse ; lateral sepals slightly oblong, about 3-4mm long, about 2mm wide, obtuse apex, base attached to stamen column foot ; lip flap white, 3 - lobed, lateral lobes 2 - lobed, ; lateral lobes erect, triangular, central to the apex suddenly narrow as a drill, sometimes slightly inward bending ; middle lobes spreading, triangular, apex obtuse, with a ridge between both lobes above, extending from inner base to labial disk ; from white, cylindrical, straight, from the inner back wall above the corpus callosum near the heart shape, slightly 2 crack ; stamen column length about 2 mm ; the front end of the cap is narrowed into a beak. Flowering June.
Flowering July-August. | ||
Fruit : |