小花脆兰 Acampe joiceyana
Distribution: Burma, Thailand and China(Yunnan, Pu’er, Menglian). Habitat: Subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest, epiphytic on the tree, 1500 m.Specimens examined: China: Yunnan Province, Pu’er district, Menglian county, 6 March 2012, Q. Liu & J.W. Li 143(HITBC); Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao, north ridge of Doi Nhang, Maxwell, 96-386 (CMU!). | ||
Plant epiphytic. Stem 35 cm or longer, 8–10 mm in diam. | ||
Leaves blade oblong, thick, about 30 3 cm, base amplexicaul sheathing, apex obtuse and unequally bilobed. | ![]() | |
Inflorescence often several, opposite to leaves, ascending, paniculate, ca. 25 cm long, often branching, densely many flowered, peduncle about 3 mm, floral bracts minute, less 1 mm. Flowers slightly fragrant; sepals and petals white with pink blotches medially, all fading to light yellowish, epichile of lip violet, hypochile white. Dorsal sepal ovate, 4.6–7.5 2.1–4.3 mm, obtuse; lateral sepals,slightly oblique, obovate, slightly smaller than dorsal sepal, 4.4–6.3 2.2–3.5 mm obtuse; petals oblanceolate, 4.5–6.9 2.0–3.1 mm, obtuse; lip slightly threelobed; lateral lobes erect, oblong, with stiff-hair and only leaving a narrow entrance to spur; mid-lobe triangular, 1.5 mm long, obtuse; spur straight, conic, 1.6–2.9 mm long, inside with dense white hairs. Column ca. 1.8 mm, stout, with small vertical raising stelidia with short stiff hairs; anther cap subglobose; caudicle oblanceolate, ca. 1 mm; viscidium oblong. Capsules narrowly fusiform, ca. 2 cm. Flowering: March
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