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Calypso bulbosa  分类来源:中国植物志


Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes in Thompson, Hist. Vermont 1: 200. 1842: Nevski in Komarov, Fl. USSR 4: 604. t. 37 (fig. 9). 193; Kitagawa, Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 150. 1939; 东北植物检索表 (第一版) 589. 1959; M. Nota, Fl. N. E. China 308. 1971; 中国高等植物图鉴 5: 680. 图 8189. 1976; 内蒙古植物志 8: 294. 1985; K. Y. Lang et Z. H. Tsi in Bot. Res. Inst. Bot. 6: 66. 1992; 横断山区维管植物 2: 2571. 1994; 东北植物检索表 (第二版) 894. 图451 (4) .1995; 中国兰花全书194. 1998. ——Cypripedium bulbosum L., Sp. Pl. 951. 1753. ——Cymbidium boreale Sw. in Nov. Act. Ups. 71. 1799. ——Calypsa borealis (Sw.) Salisb., Parad. Lond. t. 89. 1807.

 Picea and other coniferous forests; 2900–3200 m. Gansu, Jilin, Nei Mongol, NW Sichuan, Xizang, NW Yunnan [Japan]. 

 Flowers of the Chinese plants possess a longer spurlike process that extends beyond the apex of the lip blade and are generally paler in color than the widespread European and N Asian typical variety of this species. Further critical comparison with authentic material of Calypso bulbosa var. speciosa from Japan would be desirable.


Tuber ovoid to narrowly oblong, 1–3 × 0.5–0.9 cm, few noded. Leaf dark green, ovate or ovate-elliptic, 3.4–4.5 × 1.8– 2.8 cm, base subtruncate, apex acute; petiole-like stalk 2–4.5 cm. 


Inflorescence 10–14 cm, much taller than leaf, with 2 or 3 tubular sheaths; floral bract lanceolate, 15–18 × 1–2.2 mm, membranous, basal half tubular and embracing pedicel. Flower 25–40 mm in diam.; pedicel and ovary 17–20 mm, slender. Sepals and petals pale pinkish purple, linear-lanceolate, 14–18 ×1.5–3 mm, apex acute or acuminate; lip 12–20 × 8–14 mm; spurlike process extending beyond apex of blade, white with ochre-brown striations and tinged pale yellow toward apex, 14– 23 × 6–10 mm; auricles suberect, pale whitish pink, triangular, 3–4 × 5–6 mm; blade pale whitish pink with 3 clusters of white or pale yellow barbate hairs at base, 8–11 × ca. 5 mm. Column 7–10 mm. Fl. Apr–Jun. 2n = 28, 38. 



