泸水兜兰  转到中国兰科植物志

Paphiopedilum x lushuiense  分类来源:中国植物志


Paphiopedilum x lushuiense Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen, hybr. nat. nov

Type: China, Yunnan, Lushui county, in rocky place in open forest, alt. ca. 2000 m, 9 January 2003, Z. J. Liu 2679 (holotype, NOCC!).

Hybrida natural is nova ejus parentibus Paphiopedilo spiceriano et P. villoso similis, ex illo sepalo intennedio non valde recurvo-marginato, petalis obovato-spatulatis plus quam 2 cm latis, staminodio basi non involuto utrinsecus, e hoc sepalo i□termedio albo in dimidio superiore et ad marginem supra late rubiginoso-costati differt

此新天然杂种与其亲本白旗兜兰(P. spicerianum)和紫毛兜兰(P. villosum)相似。与前者不同在于新杂种中萼片边缘不强烈后弯; 花瓣倒卵状匙形, 宽在2 cm以上;退化雄蕊基部两侧不为强烈内卷。与后者不同在于中萼片上半部和边缘白色,上面具1条宽阔的栗色中脉。

The new natural hybrid is similar to its parents P spicerianum and P. vil/osum. It differs from the former by having a not strongly recurved-margined dorsal sepal, obovate­spatulate petals over 2 cm wide and a not involute-based staminode; and from the latter by its dorsal sepal white on the upper half and margins and with a broad maroon midrib adax.ially.

Distribution: W Yunnan (Lushui county).

Habitat: In rocky place in open forest; alt. ca. 2000 m

Parents: Paphiopedilum x lushuiense is considered to be a natural hybrid between P. spicerianum and P. vilfosum.


Leaves 4-5, oblong-elliptic, 16-23 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, adaxially green, with purple-red spots toward abaxial base.


Scape erect, 19-20 cm long, sparsely brownish­pubescent; bract 4-4.5 cm long, green, sparsely brownish-pubescent; pedicel and ovary 3.8- 4.2 cm long, sparsely purplish-brown-pubescent; flower single, 9-11 cm across; dorsal sepal with a broad maroon midrib, white on the upper half and margins, veined and tinged with purple-red and with a yellow-green center on the lower half; synsepal yellow-green; petalswith a broad maroon midrib, on its upper side purple-brown and on its lower side yellow­green tinged with pale purple-brown; lip yellow-green tinged and veined with purple-brown; staminode purple-brown; dorsal sepal suborbicular, 5-5.2 cm long and wide, recurved on the lower margins, densely white-pubescent abaxially; synsepal conspicuously smaller than dorsal sepal; petals obovate-spatulate, 5-5.3 cm long, 2—2.2 cm wide, slightly undulate­margined; lip helmet-shaped; pouch 2.8-3 cm long, 1.8-2 cm wide, auriculate on both sides of its mouth; staminode obovate-square, ca. 1.2 cm long, I cm wide, with a green, not raised umbo centrally.

 Flowering period: October to January.






