Cheirostylis pingbianensis K. Y. Lang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 34(6): 635, fig. 1. 1996.
产于云南(屏边)。生于海拔2100米的山坡密林下阴湿处。模式标本采自云南屏边一区石板乡阿达口老尖山。 | ||
植株高5-10厘米。根状茎伸长,匍匐,肉质,具节,呈莲藕状。茎直立,圆柱形,肉质,无毛,具4-8枚叶。 | ||
叶片卵形,绿色,长1-2.5厘米,宽8-17毫米,先端急尖,基部圆形,具柄;叶柄长1-1.5厘米,基部扩大成抱茎的鞘。 | ||
花期9-10月。 | ||
本种与羽唇叉柱兰C.inabei Hayata相近,后者与本种之区别在于其侧萼片先端急尖,唇瓣基部囊内具多数散生的乳头状突起,前部两裂片之间无1枚小的短尖齿,裂片基部各具1枚绿色的斑点;本种与大花叉柱兰C.griffithii Lindl.亦相似,而后者与本种之区别在于花较大,唇瓣长15-17毫米,前部裂片边缘具8-10条流苏状裂条,裂片基部各具1枚绿色斑点,萼筒外面被短柔毛,子房被短柔毛等易于区别。 |
Plants 5-10 cm tall. Rhizome elongate, creeping, torose. Stem erect, terete, ca. 5 cm, fleshy, 4-8-leaved. Leaves green, cauline, ovate, 1-2.5 × 0.8-1.7 cm, base rounded, apex acute; petiole-like base and sheath 1-1.5 cm. Inflorescence extremely short, to 1 cm, 2- or 3-flowered; peduncle often enclosed by leaf bases and not visible beyond stem apex; floral bracts green, ovate, shorter than ovary, apex acuminate. Flowers glabrous; ovary cylindric-fusiform, 10-12 mm including pedicel, glabrous. Sepals 10-11 mm, connate for ca. 3/5 of length and forming a tube; free dorsal lobe ca. 3.5 mm and lateral lobes ca. 1.8 mm, apex slightly obtuse. Petals appressed to dorsal sepal, narrowly spatulate, slightly oblique, ca. 9 × 2 mm, base attenuate, apex obtuse; lip 8-13 mm, 3-partite; hypochile slightly saccate, ca. 1.5 mm, containing 2 comblike calli; mesochile ca. 4.5 × 2 mm; epichile ca. 2 × 4 mm, 2-lobed and with an acute tooth between 2 lobes; margin of lobes 5- or 6-laciniate, each linear division 1-2 mm. Column ca. 2.5 mm; stelidia linear, ca. 3 mm; anther broadly ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm; rostellum arms to 3.5 mm. Fl. Sep-Oct.
● Shaded humid areas in dense forests; ca. 2100 m. SE Yunnan.
This species is clearly closely related to Cheirostylis octodactyla. More material is required on which to base a critical comparison.