苞叶兰属 bao ye lan shu
Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb
Diplacorchis Schlechter; Gyaladenia Schlechter; Phyllomphax Schlechter; SchwartzkopffiaKraenzlin.
Herbs, terrestrial or epiphytic, leafy (or rarely holomycotrophic). Tubers ellipsoid to subglobose, fleshy, neck with several slender roots. Stem erect, leafy (or covered with scales in holomycotrophic species). Leaves alternate, often densely arranged and imbricate, sheathing at base. Inflorescence terminal, racemose, often many flowered; floral bracts foliaceous, often as long as or exceeding flowers. Flowers resupinate, purple to white, often with fine dark spots or markings. Sepals free; dorsal sepal erect, ± concave; lateral sepals spreading or reflexed, often larger than dorsal sepal. Petals usually adnate at their base to side of column, ascending or erect; lip protruding, 2-partite, lateral margins reflexed, often longer than sepals and petals; hypochile concave with basal sac or spur; epichile 2- or 3-lobed. Column erect, short, with 2 prominent auricles (on either side of anther base); anther ovoid, usually obtuse at base, with 2 parallel locules; pollinia 2, oblong, granular-farinaceous, sectile, attached via short caudicles to a large, naked viscidium; rostellum 3-lobed; stigma lobes confluent.
About 33 species: mainly in S and tropical Africa and Madagascar, with a few species extending to tropical and subtropical Asia; three species (one endemic) in China.