三蕊兰属  转到中国兰科植物志

Neuwiedia Blume Nov. Pl. Expos. 12. 1833.

三蕊兰属 san rui lan shu

Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb

Herbs, erect. Rhizome usually retrorse, with several stout aerial roots. Stem often stiff and woody at base, not branched. Leaves several to many, plicate, basally contracted into a clasping, petiole-like stalk. Inflorescence erect, terminal, racemose, not branched; peduncle with several foliaceous sterile bracts; floral bracts relatively large, green. Flowers resupinate, almost actinomorphic, not opening widely; ovary 3-locular, distinct from pedicel. Sepals and petals often connivent. Sepals similar or lateral ones slightly oblique, fleshy. Petals similar; lip usually slightly different in shape and larger than petals. Column straight, often short, with 3 fertile stamens; central stamen often shorter than lateral ones; lateral stamens often with locules unequal in length; anthers free but filaments connate at base and adnate to style for much of their length; pollen not cohering to form pollinia; style narrowly cylindric, apex with slightly dilated stigma. Fruit either a berry or a dry capsule dehiscent at maturity. Seeds black, with rigid testa, sometimes with dilated elongate appendages at both ends.

About ten species: from S China through SE Asia and New Guinea to the SW Pacific islands; one species in China.


