筒距兰属 tong ju lan shu
Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb
Didiciea King & Prain.
Herbs, terrestrial, slender. Pseudobulbs cormlike and ovate, or narrowly cylindric, 1-4-noded, sometimes connected to previous year’s growth by a persistent slender rhizome. Leaf solitary, arising from apex of pseudobulb, broadly ovate to ovate-elliptic, sometimes with purple spots above and purple below, base abruptly contracted into a long petiole-like stalk. Inflorescence laxly racemose, arising from apex or laterally from near base of pseudobulb, erect, slender, usually enclosed at base by a few sheathing bracts; rachis laxly many flowered; floral bracts very small. Flowers resupinate, small; pedicel and ovary cylindric-fusiform, slender. Sepals and petals similar though petals slightly smaller, free, spreading, oblong to elliptic; lip ovate or oblong-obovate, entire or 3-lobed, spurred at base; spur spreading backward or ascending, shortly saccate or long, slender. Column erect, stout; anther terminal, incumbent; pollinia 4, in 2 pairs, waxy, with or without a distinct stipe; viscidium inconspicuous; rostellum short, inconspicuous. Capsule pendulous, shortly oblong to almost spherical.
Up to seven species: Bhutan, China, NE India, Japan, Myanmar, and Nepal, and a disjunct species in E North America; four species (two endemic) in China.